Herchenroeder Design

Proposed redevelopment of historic pumphouse at the corner of 16th & Benson in Upland, CAProposed redevelopment of historic Astara building at the corner of San Antonio & Arrow in Upland, CA

16th & Benson Medical Complex

Astara Office Building

The corner of 16th and Benson in Upland is known to many by its rapidly deteriorating stone building. What many do not know is that the building is a recognized historical landmark. The building was built in 1900 and is the oldest stone pumphouse structure still standing in the inalnd empire.
Proposed development of mediacal offices on the property will allow for the redevelopment and preservation of the original stone building.
The Astara building is located on the corner of San Antonio and Arrow in Upland. At the turn of the century the building was the home of the original San Antonio Community Hospital, serving the medical needs of area residents. The building was declared a local historical landmark in 1970. Over the years, the property has been used as a church and daycare center. In 2006, it was purchased by Heritage Construction and has been refurbished into office suites.

Herchenroeder Design
615 North Benson • Suite D • Upland, CA 91786
Phone: (909) 946-5377 • Fax: (909) 946-0888
E-mail: info@hdarch.com

Copyright 2008 Herchenroeder Design
Page Modified by: Sheryl Herchenroeder, October 2008
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